BAC-AZ - Border Arts Corridor

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Exhibition Dates: October 9th through October 29th

Fatima Pena, Douglas, AZ, is a multimedia artist. They’ve explored painting, cartoons, and more, and been active in Art Reach and The Reading Series. Works at Studio 917 Gallery are “make-you-stop, make-you-think paintings.

Andrea Pro, artist on the border AZ. “I need to document the world around me—the Sonoran Desert. I create bold images of moments and places. Art forces me to confront past traumas.”

Martina Rendon Quijada, is from Agua Prieta currently living in Douglas, Az. Art has always made me happy. Studied with Mario Leyva and Arturo Cornejo to refine her oil techniques. Volunteers with arts organizations on both sides of border. Enjoys meeting artists from different places.

Yadira Camacho Villa is a native of Agua Prieta but was drawn away to Hermosillo for law school and her profession. Stepping away from work for family, and then pandemic, gave her time to return to her love of art, especially oil painting. She studied with Maestro Mario Leyva and progressed to earning acclaim at several exhibitions. COVID quarantine redirected her to decorative painting of wide-brimmed hats. It is a good creative outlet and has grown into a successful business.

Born in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Carmen Alicia is an artist of innate talent who has developed the charcoal technique to recreate realistic portraits, clay to paint on turkey feathers and also other techniques that have allowed her to work in other styles of drawings. She has participated in exhibitions both in Sonora and Arizona and has had local and foreign people request her work, especially portraits. Her love for art and patience in working with children and young people has led her to teach classes both in person and online. Her current occupation.


LAS HISTORIAS and BAC 2021 Artist Fellowship Showcase


Ian Carbajal